Om 🚴 er en gratis online GPX-seer og editor som tillater å:
  • visualize multiple traces in different colors and aided by many different maps (cycling, hiking, satellite, etc)
  • rediger spor ved å legge til, sette inn, flytte eller slette sporpunkter
  • reversere spor
  • add or change the timestamps of a trace
  • vise, legge til, redigere og fjerne veipunkter
  • reduser antall sporpunkter
  • view and rework the structure of the file
  • automatisk legge til høydedata til spor hvis det mangler
  • flett flere spor, forlenge tid, puls, skrittfrekvens, effekt- og temperaturdata ved behov
  • trekke ut segmenter fra spor og utføre andre tiltak, samtidig som segmentenes struktur opprettholdes inni filer
  • lagre resultatet på datamaskinen eller på Google DriveTM for å få en delbar lenke og innebygde kode
Det er et enkeltpersonsprosjekt som er opprettet etter å ha lekt litt med GPX-filer en stund. Prosjektkildekoden er offentlig tilgjengelig på GitHub. Følg oss på Facebook og Twitter for å få beskjed om oppdateringer av verktøyet.

Mapbox samfunnet 🤝

Mapbox er selskapet som tilbyr noen av de vakre kartene på dette nettstedet. De opprettet et program som har fått navnet Mapbox Community for å støtte ikke-profitte, utdanningsinstitusjoner, organisasjoner med positiv virkning (se offisiell side der de viser noe av sitt samarbeid). Vi er svært heldig som har blitt med i dette programmet og å dra nytte av en rabatt på alle API priser.

Jeg er (og alle brukere på nettsiden kan være) veldig takknemlig for deres støtte og tilgjengelighet.

Brukerstøtte 💬

Dialogen hjelp og brukerveiledningen bør svare på de fleste spørsmål om funksjonene, men spør gjerne om hjelp, rapporter problemer eller send forslag på Facebook eller Twitter siden, eller via e-post på hello@gpx. tudio

For utviklere, Github repository er også et godt sted for å rapportere problemer og dele ideer.

Hjelp å holde nettstedet gratis (og reklamefri) 🙏

Hver gang du legger til eller flytter et sporpunkt, kommer vi med en forespørsel til våre servere for å hente en rute på vegnettet. Vi er også avhengig av APIer fra Mapbox for å laste vakre kart, hente høydedata og behandle geokodingsforespørsler (lete etter et sted i søkefeltet).

Dessverre er dette veldig kostbart, så hvis du liker verktøyet og bruker det ofte, vurder å gjøre selv en liten donasjon slik at denne nettsiden kan være gratis å bruke og reklamefritt. Takk for din støtte!

Oversettelse 🗣️

Nettstedet er oversatt av frivillige på en oversettelsesplattform. Du kan hjelpe til med å fullføre og forbedre oversettelsene ved å delta i Crowdin-prosjektet. Ta kontakt på Facebook, Twitter, via e-post eller på GitHub hvis du ønsker å starte oversettelsen av et nytt språk. Bortsett fra en god forståelse av, kan noe grunnleggende kunnskap om HTML være nyttig. All hjelp er høyt verdsatt!

Brukerveiledning 🎓

Klikk på et emne for å lære mer!

Opprett en ny GPX-fil
  1. På toppverktøyslinjen, klikk på Ny GPX. En ny fane kalt "ny" vises over nederste panel.
  2. Plasser ankerpunkter på kartet ved å klikke på stedene du ønsker å gå gjennom.
  3. Hvis ruting er aktivert, velger du riktig aktivitetstype for å velge de best egnede veiene. Ved å deaktivere rutingen kan du tegne rette linjer fritt på kartet.
  4. Du kan dra et punkt eller en linje i seg selv for å flytte sporet tilbake gjennom et nytt sted.
  5. Hvis du gjør en feil eller hadde andre planer for turen, kan du:
    • bruk angre og gjør om knappene.
    • click on an anchor point and use Remove point to remove it, or simply Shift+click on it.
Last inn eksisterende GPX-filer
Det finnes to muligheter:
  • Klikk på Last inn og velg en eller flere GPX-filer å laste inn.
  • Dra og slipp GPX-filer i vinduet.
Eksporter GPX-filer
Det finnes to muligheter:
  • Klikk på Eksport og velg deretter om du:
    • slå sammen alle åpne GPX-filer som spor i en fil, eller eksporter dem separat.
    • omfatter blant annet tid, temperatur, puls, skritt, kraft og overflatedata eller ikke.
    Klik deretter på Download for å lase ned filene på datamaskinen din eller på Save to Google Drive for å lagre filene i skyen.
  • Dra og slipp ei fane (under bunnpanelet) på skrivebordet.
Del en GPX-fil gir ikke hosting for GPX-filer. Men den integrerer jevnt med Google Drive. For å dele GPX-filer:
  1. Klikk på Eksport og velg deretter om du:
    • slå sammen alle åpne GPX-filer som spor i en fil, eller eksporter dem separat.
    • omfatter blant annet tid, temperatur, puls, skritt, kraft og overflatedata eller ikke.
  2. Klikk på Save to Google Drive.
  3. Koble til Google-kontoen din.
  4. Velg mappen der du vil lagre filene.
  5. Når filene er lasta opp, klikk på Copy link og send de til vennene dine!
Hvis du vil bruke til å åpne GPX-filer som er lagra på Google Drive, kan du installere Google Drive Add-on.
Rediger sporpunktene til en GPX-fil
Klikk på for å gå inn i utgavemodus. Avhengig av zoomnivået, vises et sett med ankerpunkter. Jo mer du zoomer inn, jo flere ankerpunkter vises.
Etterpå kann du:
  • legg til sporpunkter på slutten av sporet ved å klikke på kartet på steda du vil gå gjennom.
  • dra et ankerpunkt eller selve linja for å omdirigere sporet gjennom et nytt sted.
  • click on an anchor point and use Remove point to remove it, or simply Shift+click on it.
  • click on an anchor point or on the line and use Split here to split the trace at a chosen location.
  • click on an anchor point or on the line and use Start loop here to make the loop start at a chosen location.
If you make a mistake or change your mind about the itinerary, use the undo and redo buttons.

If routing is enabled, select the appropriate activity type in order to take the most suitable roads. Disabling the routing will allow you to draw straight lines freely on the map.

If you edit a GPX file containing time, temperature, heartrate, cadence or power data, new track points will automatically contain the average value for each of those fields.
Crop a GPX file
Det finnes tre muligheter:
  • Bruk glideknappen i nederste panel for å endre start og sluttpunkt for ruten. Click on to validate the selection. You can choose whether you want to keep cropped parts in separate files.
  • Enter the edition mode by clicking on . Then, click on an anchor point or on the line and use Split here to split the trace at a chosen location.
  • Click on and select an area containing the track points you want to keep or delete. Uncheck the box Waypoints if you do not want to remove waypoints at the same time. Then, choose whether you want to delete track points inside or outside of the selection. Finally, click on Proceed.
Split a GPX file
Det finnes to muligheter:
  • Bruk glideknappen i nederste panel for å endre start og sluttpunkt for ruten. Click on to validate the selection. Check the box Keep cropped parts in new files and then click on Proceed.
  • Enter the edition mode by clicking on . Then, click on an anchor point or on the line and use Split here to split the trace at a chosen location.
Change the starting point of a loop
Enter the edition mode by clicking on . Then, click on an anchor point or on the line and use Start loop here to make the loop start at a chosen location.
Add timestamps to a GPX file
  1. Klikk på .
  2. Angi gjennomsnittshastighet.
  3. Velg starttid.
  4. Klikk Ok.
Hvis GPX-filen ikke har noen tidsstempler, brukes en konstant hastighet på hele GPX-filen som standard. You can check the box Experimental to generate timestamps which make the speed vary depending on the slope.
If the GPX file already has timestamps, they will be shifted and compressed to match the chosen speed and start time.
Change the date of a GPX file
  1. Klikk på .
  2. Change the start time.
  3. Klikk Ok.
Change the speed of a GPX file
  1. Klikk på .
  2. Change the average speed.
  3. Klikk Ok.
Hvis GPX-filen ikke har noen tidsstempler, brukes en konstant hastighet på hele GPX-filen som standard. You can check the box Experimental to generate timestamps which make the speed vary depending on the slope.
If the GPX file already has timestamps, they will be shifted and compressed to match the chosen speed and start time.
Merge multiple GPX files
To merge two GPX files:
  1. Below the bottom panel, select the tab of the first GPX file you want to merge.
  2. Click on (available only when more than two files are open).
  3. Click on the tab of the second GPX file to merge or an the trace itself. The track points of the second GPX file will come after those of the first GPX file.
You can also use the file structure tool:
  1. Below the bottom panel, select the tab of the first GPX file you want to merge.
  2. Klikk på .
  3. Drag the tab of the file you wish to merge into the first one and drop it in the file structure.
If you want to merge all open GPX files at once:
  1. Below the bottom panel, put the tabs in the order you want them to appear in the merged GPX file.
  2. Click on Export.
  3. Check the box Merge all traces.
  4. Click on Download to download the files on your computer or on Save to Google Drive to save it in the cloud.
When merging multiple GPX files: missing time, temperature, heartrate, cadence or power data will be automatically extended with the average value across merged files. If some GPX files contains timestamps, it is ensured that the timestamps of the merged file are strictly increasing (the timestamps of some files are shifted if necessary).
Extract tracks or tracks segments of a GPX file
To extract all tracks or tracks segments from a trace, click on (available only if the file has more than one track or track segment). If the GPX file contains waypoints (points of interest), they are kept in the files for which the traces pass closest.

To extract a specific track or track segment:
  1. Klikk på .
  2. Drag the track or track segment you wish to extract from the file structure to the tabs above the elevation profile.
Change the structure of a GPX file
Klikk på og så kan du:
  • Drag and drop tracks and track segments to rearrange them, or drop them in the tabs above the elevation profile to extract them.
  • Drag and drop traces from the tabs above the elevation profile to merge them with the current trace.
  • Assign a different color to each track.
  • Rename each track.
  • Select a set of tracks or track segments to delete or merge them.
Copy a GPX file
Click on to duplicate a GPX file.
Change the color, opacity and width of a GPX file
  1. Klikk på .
  2. Click on the color to open the color picker.
  3. Move the opacity slider to change the opacity.
  4. Move the width slider to change the width.
  5. Klikk Ok.
You can optionally apply the chosen color, opacity and width to all traces by using the checkboxes.
For traces with multiple tracks, the file structure tool can be used to assign a different color to each of them.
Add waypoints (points of interest) to a GPX file
  1. Klikk på .
  2. Click on the map at the location you want to place it.
  3. Fill in some data about the waypoint (you can use HTML to format information, or even link images).
  4. Klikk Ok.
If you want to reuse a waypoint at another location or for another trace, click on the waypoint and press inside the popup. Then, click on the map to add a copy of the waypoint at the chosen location.
Edit a waypoint of a GPX file
To change the location of a waypoint, you can simply drag it to a new location. When dragging a waypoint close to the trace, it is automatically attracted so that you can place the waypoint perfectly on the trace. Zoom in or out to change the distance at which the waypoints are attracted.
To edit the data of a waypoint, click on it and press inside the popup. Change the information and then click Ok.
Remove waypoints of a GPX file
For å fjerne et eneste veipunkt, klikk på det og trykk inni sprettoppvinduet, eller bare Shift+klikk på det.
For å fjerne alle veipunktene i eller utenfor et område, klikk på og velg et område som inneholder veipunktene du vil beholde eller slette. Uncheck the box Track points if you do not want to remove track points at the same time. Then, choose whether you want to delete waypoints inside or outside of the selection. Finally, click on Proceed.
Reduce the number of track points of a GPX file
  1. Klikk på .
  2. Use the slider to choose the number of track points to keep. You can see a live preview of the GPX file with the reduced number of points.
  3. Klikk Ok.
Remove all track points and/or waypoints inside/outside an area
  1. Klikk på .
  2. Select an area containing the track points and/or waypoints you want to keep or delete.
  3. Choose whether you want to delete track points and/or waypoints, inside or outside of the selection.
  4. Finally, click on Proceed.
Remove GPX files
Below the bottom panel, select the tab of the file you want to delete and click on .
To remove all GPX files at once, click on Clear all in the top toolbar.
Open Street View
In the top-right corner, click on and then click on the map to open Street View at that location.
Center the map on a location
Hide a GPX file
To hide a GPX file, click on . To unhide it, click on .
A hidden trace will also unhide when adding a point in edition mode or when using most of the tools.
Hide the elevation profile
To hide the elevation profile, simply click on .
Show direction markers
To show direction markers, go in the map layers and check the box Direction markers.
Show distance markers
To show distance markers, go in the map layers and check the box Distance markers.
Show or hide map layers
  1. Hover over in the top-right corner.
  2. Klikk på .
  3. Velg hvilke lag du vil skal vises i grensesnittet.
Add custom map layers
  1. Hover over in the top-right corner.
  2. Klikk på .
  3. Fill out the form to add or replace a map layer.
Map legends

Embedding 🗺

You are very welcome to display traces on your website with There are two ways to do it: the first one with files stored on a server and the second one with Google Drive.
  • File URL: Add the link to the file in the urls attribute of the state parameter of the query string. Make sure to use https, to encode any special characters and that is allowed to request the files, otherwise the requests will be blocked by the CORS policy, i.e. you should set the following header in your server response:

    Access-Control-Allow-Origin: * or

  • Google Drive: Just save the files to your Google Drive when exporting and copy the code provided! If you want to display files that you already have on your Google Drive, add the ID of the file in the ids attribute of the state parameter of the query string and make sure they are available to all users with the link.

Choose the map shown by default with the parameter source among the following values:

  • outdoors: Mapbox Outdoors
  • satellite: Mapbox Satellite
  • osm: OpenStreetMap
  • otm: OpenTopoMap
  • ohm: OpenHikingMap

To use Mapbox maps, you need to specify the token parameter with a valid Mapbox token. You can also use a custom Mapbox style by directly specifying its URL with mapbox-style=<STYLE_URL>.

You can optionally add parameters to the source URL: imperial to get data in miles and feet, running to display the pace in minutes by unit of distance, distance to show distance markers, direction to show direction markers and slope to show the slope view of the elevation profile. Below is a playground to play with the parameters, see a preview and get the HTML code.


File URLs (separated by commas)

Google Drive file IDs (separated by commas)

Running Imperial Distance markers Direction markers Slope

Default map

Mapbox token

Mapbox custom style URL

HTML code


Terms of Services 📖

Thank you for using These terms of service (Terms) cover your use and access of our website and related software (our Services).

By accessing this website, you are agreeing to be bound by this website Terms of Services and to review our Privacy Policy. If you do not agree with any of these terms, you are prohibited from using or accessing this site.

Changes to the Services

We may change the features of our Services, withdraw or add new features from time to time.


The services on the website are provided "as is". To the fullest extent permitted by law, we make no warranties either implied or expressed about the Services. We do not make any promise about the accuracy of specific functions of the services, their reliability or availability.

Changes to Terms

We reserve the right to modify these Terms at any time. We will notice you on the website so you can agree to the revised Terms.

Privacy Policy 🕵️ is an online GPX file editor which allows users to create, view and edit files. We respect the privacy of our users and do not collect any personal information.

The files created, visualized or edited on the website are only read once and never stored on a server. We only access the data contained in the files and handle all computations from your local browser (it is a pure client-side application).

Google Drive

The website offers the possibility to log in with Google Drive to upload and save files in order to facilitate the storage, versioning and sharing of GPX files. That service authenticates you directly with your Google account, and an authentication token identifying you as the file owner is stored in your local browser session profile. This information is used to browse GPX files in your Google Drive and to open only those you choose to open. Furthermore, it is used to automatically authenticate users visiting the website again but it is never stored on our side.

We use standard Google Drive sharing functionality when you decide to share the file, and standard Google Drive authentication, authorization mechanisms for access control. No other files than those you create with the tool or decide to open with it (either by opening from Google Drive or visiting its associated URL on the tool) will be accessed, and none will ever be stored.'s use of information received from Google APIs will adhere to the Google API Services User Data Policy, including the Limited Use requirements.

Last updated July 26, 2021.